Why Hemingway?

In high school I read very great authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Updike, Harper Lee, J.D. Salinger, and more. The thing was when I read their novels or stories I didn't really get what was so good about it or why s many people enjoy them as authors. When I first read Hemingway, it was the semester reading, "A Clean- Well Lighted Place" it was something about that story that was just so true and fascinating I wanted it to be longer than only 5 pages. The thing with Hemingway that I liked so much was that he always connected something to his personal life, in almost every piece of his work. the old man in the story reminded me so much of Hemingway himself, I thought it was something I truly understand. However coming into class the next day and breaking down who he is as an author and person in general and then listening to Professor Candia analyze why he wrote the way he did just left me with how great he really was as an author. Doing more and more research on Hemingway and how he was as an individual, I didn't agree with most of his choices. However his writing style was something I learned to appreciate and respect throughout this year. In class my second paper was on "A Clean-Well Lighted Place" and how Hemingway uses different literary devices to make his work amazing.

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